Интронация епископа Иринея в свое викариатство г. Сакраменто 4 декабря 2016 .
Enthronement of Bishop Irenei of Sacramento December 4th, 2016.
РУССКИЙ фестиваль 8 октября 2016 г.
Russian festival october 8th, 2016
В воскресенье 16 октября 2016 года состоялось ежегодное чествование хора. Также прихожане поздравили нового старосту Олега Кудрявцева с вступлением на новую должность и его 50-летием. Поздравления и пожелания дальнейшему процветанию на долгие лета!
On Sunday, October 18th 2016 the church choir was honoured. The parishioners also congratulated Oleg Koudriavtsev on his new position as the Church Warden and on his 50-year anniversary. Congratulations and Many Years!
On Sunday, October 18th 2016 the church choir was honoured. The parishioners also congratulated Oleg Koudriavtsev on his new position as the Church Warden and on his 50-year anniversary. Congratulations and Many Years!
Ежегодное Чествование сестричества, 25 сентября 2016 г.
Annual Celebration of the sisterhood held on September, 25, 2016
Ежегодное чествование Сестричества состоялось в воскресенье 25 сентября 2016 г. Поздравления и пожелания дальнейшему процветанию на долгие годы!
Our Sisterhood was honored on Sunday the 25th of September, 2016. Congratulations and Many Years!
Our Sisterhood was honored on Sunday the 25th of September, 2016. Congratulations and Many Years!
Обед в честь Успения Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии, 28 августа, 2016 г.
Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God held on August, 28, 2016.
Как известно, браки заключаются на небесах. Каждый брак совершается по благословению церкви, главой которой является Сам Господь, а Cвятой отец соединяет двоих в единое целое в таинстве венчания. Венчание в церкви-это прекрасное, незабываемое и торжественное событие в жизни каждой пары. Однако, истинное значение венчания состоит не во внешней красоте обряда, а в его внутреннем содержании. Именно в христианском браке Божия благодать становится тем фундаментом, на котором возводится здание счастливой жизни семьи. Брак двух людей может прочно скрепить только Господь, который создал мужчину и женщину и изначально благословил их супружество плодиться и размножаться. Христианская семья— малая церковь, где мужчина и женщина не два человека, а единое целое.
It is well known that marriages are made in heaven. Every marriage is done with the blessing of the church, whose head is the Lord Himself, and the Holy Father joins the two in a single unit in the sacrament of the wedding. A wedding in the church is a wonderful, memorable and special occasion in the life of each couple. However, the true meaning of the wedding is not the external beauty of the rite, but its deeper purpose. The grace of God becomes the foundation which actually builds a happy Christian family life. Only the Lord can securely fasten the marriage of two people because he is the one who created a man and a woman and and blessed them to multiply and replenish. A Christian family is like a small church where a man and woman are not two separate entities but a single unit.
It is well known that marriages are made in heaven. Every marriage is done with the blessing of the church, whose head is the Lord Himself, and the Holy Father joins the two in a single unit in the sacrament of the wedding. A wedding in the church is a wonderful, memorable and special occasion in the life of each couple. However, the true meaning of the wedding is not the external beauty of the rite, but its deeper purpose. The grace of God becomes the foundation which actually builds a happy Christian family life. Only the Lord can securely fasten the marriage of two people because he is the one who created a man and a woman and and blessed them to multiply and replenish. A Christian family is like a small church where a man and woman are not two separate entities but a single unit.
День Петра и Павла и 30-летие служения настоятеля отца Павла.
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul & 30th anniversary of rectorship of Rev. Paul.
В воскресенье 17 июля в честь Дня апостолов Петра и Павла, дня ангела отца Павла (12 июля), а также 30-летия его служения в церкви была организована совместная праздничная трапеза. После этого прихожане поздравили отца Павла и преподнесли ему общий подарок-денежную сумму, на которую он сможет организовать поездку в Россию по святым местам. Было сказано много добрых слов и сердечных пожеланий. В ответном слове настоятель храма отец Павел поблагодарил присутствующих за добрые поздравления и за то, что все пришли разделить радость молитвенного общения по случаю этого события.
On Sunday the 17th of July a celebratory feast was held to commemorate St. Peter and St. Paul, as well as Fr. Paul's recent Names day (on the 12th of July), and his 30 years of Rectorship at our church. Following the feast, parishioners congratulated Fr. Paul and gave him a gift - a sum of money, for which he will be able to organize a trip to Russia to visit the holy sites. Thus, many kind words and hearty congratulations have been said to Rev. Paul. In response, the rector of the church thanked everyone for the kind wishes and for the fact that all came to share the joy of prayerful communion on this special occasion.
On Sunday the 17th of July a celebratory feast was held to commemorate St. Peter and St. Paul, as well as Fr. Paul's recent Names day (on the 12th of July), and his 30 years of Rectorship at our church. Following the feast, parishioners congratulated Fr. Paul and gave him a gift - a sum of money, for which he will be able to organize a trip to Russia to visit the holy sites. Thus, many kind words and hearty congratulations have been said to Rev. Paul. In response, the rector of the church thanked everyone for the kind wishes and for the fact that all came to share the joy of prayerful communion on this special occasion.
Паломничество в Свято-Германовский монастырь в Платине,
шт. Калифорния, 28 ноября 2015 г.
Pilgrimage to St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, California, November 28, 2015.
В субботу 28 ноября, 2015 г., приходская школа и другие члены прихода предприняли паломничество в Свято-Германовский монастырь в пос. Платину, шт. Калифорния. Это был ежегодный монастырский праздник. Трапеза была переполнена паломниками, так что пришлось даже батюшке уступить свое место за столом гостям! Наше сестричество приготовило и привезло пироги и два салата на 100 человек, а монастырское братство приготовила рыбу и десерт.
On Saturday the 28 of November, 2015, members of the parish church school and other parishioners took an annual pilgrimage to St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, CA. It was the monastery's annual Feast Day. The refectory was filled not just to capacity, but was overflowing with pilgrims. The father gave up their places at the tables to make room for all of the guests. Our Sisterhood prepared and brought pies and 2 salads for 100 people, while the brothers of the monastery prepared the fish and dessert.
On Saturday the 28 of November, 2015, members of the parish church school and other parishioners took an annual pilgrimage to St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, CA. It was the monastery's annual Feast Day. The refectory was filled not just to capacity, but was overflowing with pilgrims. The father gave up their places at the tables to make room for all of the guests. Our Sisterhood prepared and brought pies and 2 salads for 100 people, while the brothers of the monastery prepared the fish and dessert.
Обед в честь Дня Благодарения, 22 ноября 2015 г.
Annual Thanksgiving Lunch held on November 22, 2015.
Чествование Сестричества и церковного хора 18 октября 2015 г.
Annual Celebration of the Sisterhood & Choir, Oct 18, 2015.
Чествование Сестричества и хора в воскресенье 18 октября, 2015 г. Поздравления и пожелания дальнейшему процветанию на долгие годы!
Our Sisterhood and choir were honored on Sunday the 18th of October, 2015. Congratulations and Many Years!
Our Sisterhood and choir were honored on Sunday the 18th of October, 2015. Congratulations and Many Years!
Освящение колокольни и колоколов 30 августа 2015 г.
Blessing and consecration of belfry and bells, August 30, 2015.
Воскресенье 30 августа, 2015 г., при Свято-Вознесенской церкви был организован день русской православной культуры в честь 1000-летия с дня кончины Св. Равноапостольного Владимира Просветителя Русского народа (+ 15/28 июля, 1015 г.). В тот день Его Высокопреосвященства Архиепископ Кирилл Сан-Францисский и Западно-Американский освятил колокольню и колокола, а после богослужений Сестричество организовало ярмарку, также приход устроил концерт.
On the 30th of August Holy Ascension Church celebrated a day of Russian Culture dedicated to the 1000th Anniversary of the repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, Enlightener of Russia (+15/28 July, 1015). On that day His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill blessed the new parish belfry and bells. After the Divine Services the Sisterhood organized hospitality in the hall and outside. The parish also organized a concert.
On the 30th of August Holy Ascension Church celebrated a day of Russian Culture dedicated to the 1000th Anniversary of the repose of Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Prince Vladimir, Enlightener of Russia (+15/28 July, 1015). On that day His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill blessed the new parish belfry and bells. After the Divine Services the Sisterhood organized hospitality in the hall and outside. The parish also organized a concert.